Allegory of Spring

“Allegoria of Spring”

Tapestry, 410 x 280 in.

Detailed information

Brussels tapestry

Woven : 5 chains/cm
Provenance : French Aristocratic Family

Material: Wool and silk
Date: 17th century
Type: Tapestry
Condition: Perfect

This tapestry entitled “Allegory of Spring” was woven in the mid-17th century in Brussels, using the highest quality of wool. The overall effect of the Brussel’s technique is a smooth surface and a precised drawing.

It is a mythological pastoral scene adapted to the 17th century’s lifestyle. Nature is the predominant subject in which the characters are doing daily tasks while they celebrate spring. The allegory of spring is clasically depicted as the burgeoning fertility of the world.

In this tapestry the vivid colors and the multiple trees, flowers and plants underline the florishing life reminiscence during this season.

Nature is lush, abundant. Fruits and flowers invade the space structured by the path through the castel. This castle is in a classical 17th century architectural style which was predominant in western Europe.

For more than three centuries the Brussels tapestry weavers had produced work of high quality and had played a leading role in other European countries. Some well-known tapestries produced in this period have been lost over the course of the years.