Lines of flow N°4

Tapestry, 61 x 85 in.

Alexander Calder
Detailed information

This is an exceptionally rare tapestry by Alexander Calder, with beautifully saturated colors and masterful line work. This rainy, nighttime scene is full of beauty and growth – a black crescent moon rests in the sky against a soft beige background, while a large, red and blue flower twists up from the ground, petals open to catch the rain streaking down from the star-like figures above. This design was previously unknown to us, the only known documentation exists in the book “Calder’s Universe” by Jean Lipman. It is in perfect condition and its rarity solidifies it as a true museum-quality masterpiece.

Material: Wool
Artist: Alexander Calder
Artist signature: Woven with signature 'Calder' and monogrammed by atelier
Serial: Edition 6/6 woven on the back
Type: Tapestry
Manufacture: Pinton Frères